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Results Found 5607
CoIDCompanyTypeStatusStates Served24X7 Phone
ALTVenus Telephone Co.ILECACounties: Venango | Clarion | Forest814-354-6123
ALTCOAltitude CommunicationsVoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide403-538-8888
ALTEAALTEA USA (INACTIVE)ResellerCUS, Canada888-242-5832
ALTELAllied Telecom Group LLC - CANCELLEDILEC | VoIP ProviderCDE | DC | MD | VA202-349-0440
ALTEVAlteva - Cancelled (See MOMTM)VoIP ProviderCUSA - Nation Wide877-258-3828
ALTGNAltigen Communications Inc - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP ProviderCUSA - Nationwide408-597-9000
ALTIVerizon Business VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide800-483-0911
ALTUSAltusVoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide615-465-4001
ALTVXAltavox Telecom Inc - CANCELLEDVoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderCUSA877-743-9128
ALUAlcatel-Lucent EnterprisePBX/PS911/Shared TenantAUSA - Nationwide650-385-2193
ALVOIAllvoi - CANCELLEDVoIP ProviderCUSA516-960-0760
ALWIRAlambama Wireless, Inc. (Out of Business)CellularCAL-Morgan, Cullman, Blount, Lawrence, Franklin, Marion, and256-308-2922
ALZAlianzaVoIP ProviderAUSA801-717-1230
AMACAAMADOR COUNTY CAPBX/PS911/Shared TenantACA209-223-6591
AMATLAMA Communications LLC dba AMA TechTel CommunicationsFacilityATX806-322-2222
AMAVKAmerican AVK Company - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared TenantCNV775-309-7367
AMBITAMBIT SOLUTIONS LLCPBX/PS911/Shared Tenant Wireless/Cellular/PCS VoIP ProviderUSA - Nationwide205-829-1800
AMBTAmerican Broadband & TelecommunicationsCLEC Facility CLEC ResellerAIL | IN | MI | OH | PA | WV | WI419-290-1033
AMCAmerican MetroComm (Out of Business)CLECCLA504-200-2118
AMCCAshford Meadows Cable & Comm (Cancelled)CLECCVA804-288-5500
AMCCCAMCOM Communications Corporation - CANCELLEDResellerCCA714-307-1777
AMCELAmerican Cellular Wireless (CANCELLED)WSPCTN4,KY4,KY6,KY8,NY5,NY6,MN6,MN2,MN3,MN4,OH7,WV1,WV2,PA9423-318-2139
AMCIAmeritech Cellular Services (Cancelled)CellularCIN, IL, WI, OH, MI, MO847-765-5300
AMCIIAtlantic Metro Communications II IncVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide866-365-6246
AMCOMAmerican Com - CANCELLEDResellerCCO877-410-1663
AMCVAAugusta HealthCLEC Facility ILEC PBX/PS911/Shared TenantAVA540-332-4000
AMEREAmeren Corp - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared TenantCIL314-206-0662
AMERIAmeriMex Communications Corp - CANCELLEDCLEC Facility | CLEC Reseller | CLEC UNECAL | FL | GA | KY | NC | SC404-392-1999
AMGAffiliated Managers Group Inc - CANCELLED9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)CMA617-747-3371
AMH01Amherst CollegePBXAMA413-542-5823
AMHSTTown of Amherst MA - CANCELLEDVoIPCAmherst | MA413-259-3000
AMHT1Amherst County9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)AVA434-946-9300
AMIApplied Messaging Inc.VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide505-814-7050
AMICAY-12 Wireless, d/b/a Amica Wireless (Cancelled)FacilityCIL309-262-9757
AMPCAAmplisys Inc.VoIP ProviderUSA - Nationwide1-514-225-4141
AMPLXAmplex InternetVoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAMI | OH4198375015
AMPRSAmeriprise Financial IncPBX/PS911/Shared TenantAIL | MA | MN | NV | NY612-671-2454
AMPTA101 Technology LLC dba Amp TelecomPBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide512-874-3261
AMRApplied Medical Resources - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared TenantCUSA - Nation Wide949-713-8500
AMSAll My SonsPBX/PS911/Shared TenantAUSA - Nation Wide469-461-5000
AMSCOAttitash Mountain Service Co LLCPBX/PS911/Shared TenantANH603-356-6321
AMSOFAmcom Software Inc9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)AUSA888-797-7487
AMTCAmherst Telephone CompanyILECAPortage | Marathon | Waupaca Counties | WI715-824-5025
AMTCAAgate Mutual Telephone Coop Assoc. - CANCELLEDFacilityCCO719-764-2578
AMTCHAT&T Midwest (formerly Ameritech)ILECAIN | IL | MI | OH | WI888-243-1911
ANALOAnalog Devices - CANCELLEDPBXCNorwood Campus | 3 buildings781-461-3500
ANB22Alaska Native Broadband 1 License LLC - CANCELLEDWireless/Cellular/PCSCTX | NM | OH | CO | KY866-688-6058
ANCAdvanced Network Communications LLCFacility | ResellerAIA712-275-4861
ANDROAndroscoggin County9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) PBX/PS911/Shared TenantAME207-753-2500