CoID | Company | Type | Status | States Served | 24X7 Phone |
UDT | United Data Technologies Inc. | VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nationwide | 800-882-9919 |
UEA | Sun-Tel USA (INACTIVE) | CLEC Reseller, CLEC UNE | C | FL, KY | 904-731-9995 |
UEM | Inc. - CANCELLED | CLEC Facility | C | MI | 888-257-1042 |
UFT | United Farmers Telephone/Evertek | ILEC | A | IA | 800-242-0154 |
UHART | University of Hartford | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | CT | 860-768-7985 |
UHCIN | Unity Healthcare LLC | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | IN | 765 446-5321 |
UHLTH | UConn Health | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | CT | 860-679-1000 |
UID | Lightyear Network Solutions LLC - CANCELLED | CLEC UNE | VoIP | C | All States | 866-614-8647 |
UIL | United Illuminating Company | PBX | A | CT | 203-926-4540 |
UM119 | Unique Management Services - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | IN | 502-817-7388 |
UMB | University of Maryland Baltimore | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | MD | 410-706-6882 |
UMI | Mid-Iowa Telecom LLC | CLEC Facility | A | IA | 855-643-4692 |
UML | University of Massachusetts - Lowell(Cancelled) | PBX | C | University of Massachusetts - Lowell | 978-934-4000 |
UMMC | University of Mississippi Medical Center - CANCELLED | 9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) | C | MS | 601-850-8574 |
UMONY | Umony Limited | VoIP Reseller | A | USA - Nationwide | +441223659231 |
UMS | University of Maine System - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | ME | 207-592-3521 |
UNBND | Unbound Systems LLC | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Reseller VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nationwide | 888-530-2120 |
UNCCH | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (CANCELLED) | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant, VoIP | C | UNC at Chapel Hill | 919-962-6503 |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme | Other - (must identify below) | Non profit International Organization | A | NY | 212-906-5000 |
UNHQ | United Nations - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | NJ | NY | 212-963-6666 |
UNIFI | Unified Telecom Inc. DBA CCSi Communications | VoIP Reseller VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nationwide | 630-241-0600 |
UNIMT | Univision Inc. | VoIP Reseller | A | USA - Nationwide | 406-721-8876 |
UNION | Union Telephone Company | ILEC Wireless/Cellular/PCS VoIP Provider | A | WY | 307-782-6131 |
UNITS | The Ohio State University | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | OH | 614-292-2525 |
UNITY | Unitel Inc | CLEC Facility ILEC VoIP Provider | A | ME | 207-948-5757 |
UNIV | Oahu Transit Services Inc - CANCELLED | UNIV | C | HI | 877-374-4530 |
UNL | Broadwing Local Services Inc. (Cancelled) | Reseller | C | OH, IN, KY | 800-735-3030 |
UNRV | Union River Telephone Company | ILEC | A | ME | 207-944-9279 |
UNTEL | United Telephone Association Inc. | ILEC | A | KS | OK | 620-471-4338 |
UNWLS | United Wireless Communications Inc. | Wireless/Cellular/PCS | A | KS | 620-471-4338 |
UO-UO | Unified Office Inc | VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nation Wide | 603-427-9500 |
UOFID | University of Idaho - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | ID | 208-885-6111 |
UofR | University of Rochester | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | NY | 585-756-4800 |
UOP | University of the Pacific - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | CA | 209-946-3968 |
UOR | University of Redlands | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | CA | 909-748-8888 |
UPCOM | Uplink Communications LLC - CANCELLED | VoIP Reseller | C | MS | 888-551-9296 |
UPENN | University of Pennsylvania | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Provider | A | PA | 215-746-7924 |
UPHP | Peninsula Fiber Network LLC | CLEC Facility | A | MI | 906-226-2010 |
UPMGH | Peninsula Fiber Network LLC | CLEC Facility | A | MI | 906-226-2010 |
UPN | Unite Private Networks | CLEC Facility PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Reseller VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nationwide | 866-963-4327 |
UPRTE | Uprite Services | CLEC Reseller VoIP Provider | A | TX | 281-956-2270 |
UPS | Upsala Cooperative Telephone Ass'n | Facility | A | MN | 320-630-8057 |
UPTEL | Upper Peninsula Telephone Company | CLEC | A | MI | 906-639-2110 |
URBAN | Urban Media (Out of Business) | Facility | C | ALL | 888-648-5662 |
URI | University of Rhode Island | VoIP | A | URI-Kingston Campus/Bay Campus | 401-874-2121 |
URICH | University of Richmond | A | VA | 804-289-8715 | |
USA | USA Telephone Inc. (CANCELLED) | Reseller | C | FL | 305-944-8383 |
USACV | Vanu Coverage Co Inc. - CANCELLED | Wireless/Cellular/PCS | C | VT | 617-864-1711 |
USAD | USA Digital Communications Inc. | VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nation Wide | 888-872-3787 |
USANE | Telemetrix Inc - CANCELLED | Wireless/Celluar/PCS | C | NE | 303-517-1933 |