NENA Company Search

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Results Found 5607
CoIDCompanyTypeStatusStates Served24X7 Phone
VELANVelantro Inc.9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) PBX/PS911/Shared TenantAUSA - Nationwide818-916-4300
VELCOVermont Electric Power CompanyPBX/PS911/Shared TenantAVT802-773-9161
VELOVelocity VOIP LLC - CANCELLEDVoIP ResellerCUSA - Nation Wide561-282-5500
VELOCVelocity Networks of Kentucky - CANCELLEDCLEC FacilityCKY866-993-4256
VERIZVerizonILECAUSA - Nationwide800-483-0911
VERNVernon Telephone Cooperative - CANCELLEDFacilityCWI608-634-3136
VERNEUniversity of La Verne9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)ACA909-448-4578
VERSAVersatel LLC9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)AUSA - Nationwide888-646-5227
VEST8Vested NetworksVoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide972-924-6464
VFNHPValley Forge National Historic Park/911 ETC - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared TenantCUSA480-719-8556
VFPThe Village at Farm Pond (Cancelled)FacilityCFramingham, MA508-628-7700
VFSVolFirst ServicesCLEC FacilityACrossville | TN931-668-1000
VFTCVillisca Farmers Telephone Company - CANCELLEDLECCIA712-826-2812
VGCSVirginia Global Communication Systems - CANCELLEDCLEC Facility | CLEC Reseller | CLEC UNE | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | VoIPCVA540-463-4451
VHCVirtual Hipster Corporation - OUT OF BUSINESSFacilityCNV775-428-2186
VHLTHVirtare Health Inc.Internet Protocol Relay Provider PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP ResellerAUSA - Nationwide855-745-8400
VHSValley Health9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)AVA | WV540-536-8000
VHVHSVA Hudson Valley Healthcare System - CANCELLED9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALICNY845-831-2000
VIVoIP Innovations LLC VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide877-478-6471
VICIVicidiem Inc.CLEC Reseller PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide602-757-1320
VIEVoigt Industrial Electronics LLCVoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide704-489-5220
VIIVoIP Innovations Inc. - CANCELLEDVoIP ProviderCUSA - Nation Wide877-478-6471
VIIZViiz Communications9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)AUSA - Nationwide855-798-6884
VIKCOViking Communications, Inc. (CANCELLED)ResellerCPA, DE, NJ215-852-9384
VIMSVirginia Institute of Marine Science - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | VoIP ProviderCVA804-815-7752
VINCVoxology Carrier Services Inc.VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide800-998-5911
VIOVi Lata Communications, LLC (Cancelled)FacilityCCO888-424-4611
VIOLAViola Home Telephone CoILECAIL309-596-2222
VITAVirginia Information Technology(Cancelled)VoIPCVA866-637-8481
VIVIDVivid Networks Inc - CANCELLEDFacilityCMT406-294-9693
VIXXIBandwidthCLEC Facility Database Management System Provider Video Relay Service VoIP Provider VPCAUSA - Nation Wide Virgin Islands855-864-7776
VIZONVizon Telecom, Inc (INACTIVE)CLEC FacilityCFL561-856-0297
VKGVPViking VoIPPBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide818-469-6734
VL911VoiceLift Inc. - CANCELLEDVoIP ResellerCUSA - Nationwide713-992-7835
VLINKActive Solutions Group Inc. DBA CallHarborVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide313-263-3663
VLNEValu-NetCLEC FacilityAKS620-208-5000
VLRValor Telecommunications CLEC of TX (Cancelled)CLECCTX866-616-9900
VLRNMValor Business Solutions of NM (Cancelled)FacilitiesCNM816-651-6257
VMCValley Medical CenterPBX/PS911/Shared TenantAWA425-917-6200 Operators
VMCIVerizon BusinessVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide800-483-0911
VMSC1Velocity A Managed Solutions Company9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) CLEC Facility CLEC Reseller PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP ResellerAUSA - Nationwide225-571-6250
VNAGEVonageVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide877-662-2001
VNAPIVonageVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide732-670-6575
VNBSVonage Business Solutions IncVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide732-670-6575
VNETVelocity Network IncCLEC Reseller PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide New York Pennsylvania855-433-8638
VNEXTVoicenext Inc.VoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide732-653-5000
VNHRNVan Horne Cooperative Telephone CompanyILECAIA319-560-8313
VNICRVonage / iCore9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) VoIP ResellerAUSA - Nation Wide703-637-0621
VNTCOCounty of Ventura9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) VoIP ProviderACA805-658-4357