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Results Found 5607
CoIDCompanyTypeStatusStates Served24X7 Phone
UVMCVCentral Vermont Medical Center Inc.PBX/PS911/Shared TenantAVT802-371-4176
UVOIPUniVoIP Inc.CLEC Reseller VoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide(877) 660-6677
UVOXUniVoxxVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide248-243-8959
UVTMGUNITEL VOICE LLCVoIP ResellerAUSA - Nationwide630-753-8718
UVUUtah Valley University9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)AUT801-863-8000
UYTUtility Telephone Inc.CLEC Facility | VoIPAALL866-788-4548
VACHVernon Advent Christian Home Inc. - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared TenantCVT802-254-6041
VAIRVoip Air LLCVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide985-266-0002
VALAZValley Telephone Coop IncILECAAZ | NM520-678-3988
VALEDVAL-ED Joint Venture LLP dba 702 CommunicationsCLEC FacilityAMN | ND218-284-5702
VALLValley TelephoneFacilityASD605-437-2615
VALLIValliant Telephone CoILECAOK580-933-4400
VALORValor Telecommunications, LLC (Cancelled - see WIN)FacilityCTX, OK, NM866-616-9900
VALSTGTelCLEC FacilityANY518-537-4835
VALUIonex Telecommunications, Inc (Cancelled)CLECCTX, KS, MO, OK877-333-2555
VANBEVanBelkum - CANCELLEDVoIP ResellerCUSA - Nation Wide616-301-7676
VANEApollo Communications, LLC (Cancelled)FacilityCCO866-899-9349
VANTGVantage Unified CommunicationsVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nationwide800-493-3750
VASCOVasco Electronics LLC9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)AUSA - Nationwide702-446-0714
VATAXVirginia Department of TaxationVoIP ProviderAUSA804-371-0924
VATECVirginia TechVoIP ProviderAVA540-231-6780
VATENVirginia RSA 10 Limited Partnership (Cancelled)CellularCVA540-984-5220
VAUGHVaughnsville Telephone (Cancelled)FacilityCOH419-646-3431
VAYAVaya Telecom Inc.CLEC FacilityACA916-233-3112
VBONEVoxbone S.A.VoIP ProviderAUSA322-808-0003
VBSValor Business Solutions (CANCELLED)ResellerCTX866-616-9900
VBTCVan Buren Telephone Company Inc.ILECAIA319-293-3187
VCCVenture Communications CorpILECASD605-852-2224
VCCCDVentura/Oxnard College dialtone by Verizon - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared TenantCCA800-773-7911
VCDVeracity Communications Inc. - CANCELLEDCLEC Facility | CLEC Reseller | VoIP | PBXCUT801-379-3000
VCELAVanguard Cellular Systems, Inc. (Cancelled)CellularCFL, KY, ME, NY, OH, PA, WV303-581-5782
VCIVCI Company d/b/a Vilaire Communications(Cancelled)ResellerCMN253-830-0051
VCI55Volkswagen Credit Inc9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY)ACA | DC | GA | IL | MI | NJ | OR | TX | VA | WI866-456-3366
VCLVirginia Cellular LLC (CANCELLED-REFER TO ACIW)FacilityCVirginia540-801-9049
VCOValence Communications Services (Cancelled)ResellerCTX888-239-5266
VCOLAVocalCola LLCVoIP ProviderFL(850) 378-2552
VCONNValley Connections CLEC Facility ILEC VoIP ProviderAAZ | NM800-421-5711
VCRVoice Runner Inc. - CANCELLEDCLEC Reseller | VoIP ResellerCUSA713-278-2600
VCSThe Vermont Country StorePBX/PS911/Shared TenantAVT802-362-8234
VCSOHVercom Systems Inc.VoIP ResellerAOH937-701-0600
VCTRVector SecurityCLEC FacilityAPA800-638-7077
VCTRXVcentrix Inc. - CANCELLEDVoIP ResellerCUS - All781-501-5065
VCUValuTel Communications Inc. - CANCELLEDResellerCTX | NM505-271-9008
VCUNIVirginia Commonwealth UniversityPBX/PS911/Shared TenantAVA804-827-2227, opt #2
VDIVonics Digital (CANCELLED)VSPC0925-785-9768
VDPOTVoice DepotVoIP ResellerAUSA - Nationwide208-244-1275
VDSLVector Data Systems LLCVoIP ProviderAUSA - Nation Wide301-358-1690
VDT1Voice and Data Technologies - CANCELLEDPBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Reseller VoIP ProviderCUSA - Nationwide615-349-8753
VECVermont Electric CooperativePBX/PS911/Shared TenantAVT802 635 2331
VELVelocity Broadband InternetVoIP ProviderAAR479-234-2776