CoID | Company | Type | Status | States Served | 24X7 Phone |
TWST | Tel West Network Services - CANCELLED | CLEC Facility | CLEC Reseller | CLEC UNE | C | TX | 800-813-3880 |
TWT | Tidewater Telecom/Lincolnville Tel. | ILEC | A | ME | 207-563-9931 |
TWTIN | Telewebtech | VoIP Reseller | A | USA - Nationwide | 317-439-6697 |
TWU | Texas Womans's University | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | TX | 940-368-3438 |
TWVLY | Twin Valley Telephone Inc | ILEC | A | KS | 800-248-3631 |
TXACQ | TX11 Acquisition LLC dba Cellular One - CANCELLED | Wireless/Cellular/PCS | C | TX | 936-590-1568 |
TXCOM | Advanced VoIP Solutions | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Provider | A | TX | 325-669-5899 |
TXKCO | Texarkana College - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | TX | 903-798-3330 |
TXNET | Texas Network Communication, Inc. (Cancelled) | Facility | C | TX | 877-572-1030 |
TXUL | TXU Communications Telephone Company (Cancelled - See CCITX) | Facility | C | TX | 888-608-7822 |
TXUTS | TXU Communications Telecom Services (Cancelled - see CCITX) | Facility | C | TX | 888-608-7822 |
TYCHR | Tychron Corporation | VoIP Provider | A | FL | 302-842-8751 |
TYCOE | TYCO Electronics(Cancelled) | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | PA | 717-810-2255 |
TYQ | Telergy Central (Cancelled) | Facility | C | US | 800-889-6716 |
TZ0 | Tierzero | VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nationwide | 213-784-1397 |
UAL | United Airlines | 9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) | A | USA - Nationwide | 847-700-5800 |
UAZ | University of Arizona - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | AZ | 520-621-7999 |
UBALT | University of Baltimore | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | MD | 800-773-7911 |
UBC | The Community Agency (TCA) | Facility | A | IA | 712-930-5593 |
UBN | UBNETWORKS (Cancelled) | Facility | C | CA | 213-489-9663 |
UBNI | Unity Business Networks - CANCELLED | CLEC Facility | CLEC Reseller | VoIP | C | CO | 800-213-1236 |
UBNX | Unity Business Networks - CANCELLED | CLEC Faciliy | CLEC Reseller | VoIP | C | CO | MN | OR | 800-231-1236 |
UBTAL | Strata Networks | Co-Op/Rural | A | UT | 435-622-5007 |
UBUFF | University at Buffalo | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | NY | 800-773-7911 |
UCA | United Communications Association Inc. | CLEC Facility | A | KS | 620-855-9551 |
UCAYD | Nevada Bell/Eschelon Telecom of NV (Cancelled) | UNE-Comp | C | NV | 800-275-0014 |
UCB | UCB Inc - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant VoIP Provider | C | GA | 770-970-8770 |
UCC | Union County College - CANCELLED | PBX | C | NJ | 908-709-0268 |
UCDVN | Pacific Bell/Advanced TelCom Group (Cancelled) | UNE-Comp | C | CA, NV | 800-275-0014 |
UCENC | Pacific Bell/Ernest Communications (Cancelled) | UNE-Comp | C | CA | 800-275-0014 |
UCI | University of California Irvine - CANCELLED | 9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) Database Mgt System Provider | C | CA | 949-824-5222 |
UCIME | Unity College | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | USA - Nation Wide | 207-509-7232 |
UCINC | Universal Connectivity | VoIP Reseller VoIP Provider | A | AZ | CT | FL | MA | RI | TX | VT | VA | 860-808-1412 |
UCLA | University of California - Los Angeles (CANCELLED) | CLEC Facility, Wireless/Cellular/PCS | C | CA | 310-206-0000 |
UCNJ | County of Union NJ | 9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) | A | NJ | 908-654-9800 |
UCNVG | Pacific Bell / Navigator UNE Complex (Cancelled) | UNE-Comp | C | CA, NV | 800-275-0014 |
UCPNJ | Pacific Bell/Pacific Centrex Services (Cancelled) | UNE | C | CA | 800-275-0014 |
UCPS | Union County Public School | 9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant Other - (must identify below) | PS/ALI from Frontier | A | NC | 704-296-3160 |
UCR | University of California Riverside | 9-1-1 Admin-CPE ALI (9-1-1 Jurisdiction/PSAP ONLY) PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | CA | 909-938-9378 |
UCRIM | Pacific Bell/TMC Communications (Cancelled) | UNE-Comp | C | California | 800-275-0014 |
UCS | Unique Communications Solutions | Database Management System Provider VPC | A | USA - Nationwide | 702-216-0266 |
UCSB | University of California Santa Barbara - CANCELLED | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | C | CA | 805-893-3446 |
UCSD | University of California San Diego | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | USA - Nationwide | California | 858-964-8198 |
UCSDH | UCSD Health System | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | CA | 619-543-6222 |
UCTEL | UComtel Inc | VoIP Reseller VoIP Provider | A | USA - Nation Wide | 845-625-9000 |
UCVH | Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | USA - Nationwide | 603-237-4971 |
UCVUL | Pacific Bell/Vertex Broadband (Cancelled) | UNE-Comp | C | California | 800-275-0014 |
UCWMA | Pacific Bell / Anew Telecommun. Cor. (Cancelled) | UNE - Comp. | C | CA | 800-275-0014 |
UDAC | USDATANET (INACTIVE) | Facility | C | NY | 315-952-8574 |
UDALS | West Safety Services | PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant | A | 4807198557 | 4807198557 |